Tuesday, May 05, 2009

La La LaLa... The Year is Almost Over

*Um, I just found this that I didn't publish from earlier... I guess I was anticipating doing some reading this summer? IDK -- a lot of these were books/magazines I loved reading during the summer growing up. I have surmised that I might have been a super nerd.

In honor of my ADD, I am blowing off things of importance to blog again today... :-)

Day 86:
1. The book fair
2. Nancy Drew books
3. The Hardy Boys books
4. Sweet Valley High books
5. Sweet Vally Twins books

Day 87:
1. Little Women.
2. Mary Poppins. (The book, not the movie.)
3. The Little House on the Prarie series. (Again, books -- not TV.)
4. The Boxcar Children series.
5. No Flying in the House.

Day 88:
1. The odd but interesting biography books about people like Albert Einstein and Eleanor Roosevelt that Hazel had on her back porch.
2. Encyclopedia Brown books.
3. The Gymnasts series.
4. YM magazines.
5. Teen magazine.

Day 89:
1. A Farewell to Arms.
2. Summer of My German Soldier.
3. Jane Eyre.
4. Wuthering Heights.
5. Wayside Stories from a Sideways School (or something like that... I never could get the title right...).

Day 90:
1. Highlights magazines.
2. Having my own library card.
3. Leaving the Bookmobile with bags of books.
4. Laying under the window unit at Hazel's house, reading Bookmobile books all afternoon.
5. Filling up my reading contest brochure with book titles.

Monday, May 04, 2009


Finally... I can breathe! All of my pressing, major commitments are over, except planning Laney's birthday party. I can get back to doing nothing, blogging, and generally just entertaining myself instead of meeting deadlines and fulfilling commitments...

Day 81:
1. knowing there is a light at the end of the tunnel, even if I can't see it...
2. speaking of lights and tunnels... that roller coaster at Dollywood...it's pitch black, set in a coal mine... seems like you're going to run head-on into a train (big freakin' headlight) only to take a dive at the last minute. One of the best rollercoasters ever. Almost wet my pants.
3. The Mindbender at Six Flags. Anybody remember that? Was always almost certain that The Mindbender was totally unsafe, but I always rode it anyway. Well, at least, until the last time when the freakin' cars stopped in the middle of the loop upside down. Almost had an aneurism. Won't ever ride it again. But I loved it/hated it while it lasted.
4. Summer Six Flags trips with my church youth group.
5. The one time I didn't go with my youth group, I went with a friend and her family in high school. Ate a cherry-topped funnel cake after riding the swings. Yakked in her mini-van on the way home. Horrible yet hilariously funny memory. Sorry, Jennifer.

Day 82:
1. calendars with the days of the year numbered. Not the days of the months -- but the day of the year. For example, Day 82 is actually March 23. I know this because my school planner calendar has the days numbered. Probably so I can count down the days until summer.
2. the idea of summer. Two weeks into it, I'm going to be wishing for school to start because I will be spending my first summer at home with three kids BUT... right now, three kids in a house seems better than getting up at 6 am...
3. picnics on the carport with my mom and Jay during the summer.
4. even better -- picnics on the carport with my mom and Jay when Mary would take us to Billy's to get a treat and a glass bottle Coke for lunch.
5. Billy McAdam's grocery. If you aren't from around Townville, you might not know it but as a child, it was heaven. Ice creams, bottled cokes, candy bars, chips, and (as a teenager) gas -- all that I could charge to my dad's tab.

Day 83:
1. days when not doing anything seems infinitely better that other options...
2. having a day after one of the aforementioned days when I don't kick myself all day for not having done anything the day before...
3. knowing I have things to do and just not caring...
4. realizing that the world will not stop if my TO DO list isn't checked off...
5. knowing it drives K crazy that these days come in the middle of periods when I really can't afford to take a day off... :-)

Day 84:
1. pink lemonade in glass pitchers with lemon slices
2. cake squares
3. those little molded mints at showers
4. the glass cups and saucers my church used to use for showers
5. finger sandwiches

Day 85:
1. Bag-A-Bargain is over. Technically, on this day, I was really just dropping my BAB stuff off... but since this is in retrospect, I am grateful that BAB is over for the year.
2. being highly motivated to clean out closets I would normally never touch so that I can meet my BAB donation requirement
3. knowing that I do not have to price label another item for at least 6 months
4. having a BAB closet now where I stash everything so it's in one place for next year -- I love it when I'm smart!
5. not being in charge of BAB. Shelby & Regan do a great job. And I'm so glad it's them and not me!