Friday, August 11, 2006

Testing, testing, 1-2-3...


Now, Clemson girls, I know you're laughing, but this is not that kind of blog. I started thinking that this could be fun. I am always shirking my adult responsibilities to write long, drawn-out emails to my friends, and this way, I can just write one AND my far-away friends and relatives can see pictures and keep up to date with the Jennings family. Not that most people want to read my ramblings, but it does give me something to do when I should be working...

So, here's the Jennings' family blog. Pretty much everybody who would read this knows that, in May, our family expanded to include Laney (hence the name Jennings4 -- because now there are 4 of us... kind of like the Jackson 5, except hopefully without Michael and all of the family drama and plastic surgery...). These are just some pictures of the young'uns. There's one of Ethan at Easter (looking a lot more calm than he really is), another of Laney after coming home from the hospital, and one of the three of us the first time Ethan held his baby sister. Once I find a current picture of my hot hubby, I'll put him on here, too.

Not much is really going on right now. Keith is almost finished with his work in Fayetteville; I'm so ready for him to come home! Volleyball season has started; our first tournament is coming up. I'm excited about the talent on my team, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we can win more than one game this year. :) I'll get back to you on that one...

Ethan is kickin' it in 3K; I did get my first parent phone call last week. Ethan told his teacher, the asst. director, and the director of his daycare to be nice to him or his mommy would come spank them with a wooden spoon. Great... Apparently, my wee one is a bit of a sasser. Hard to imagine, I know... We had to have a little prayer meeting, but he hasn't gotten in trouble anymore. On a positive note, his training regimine has begun; with any luck, he'll be playing OL for Clemson in 15 years. We've learned the 3-point stance, how to block, and how to wrap up a tackle. He needs practice, of course, but he's dedicated to the program! :)

Laney is quite the princess -- very cute but very demanding. When she gets upset, she strongly resembles her Papa Toad -- short, squatty, and red-faced. :) Ethan loves her, but I think she is disturbed by him. He has no sense of personal space, so he's constantly talking (loudly, I might add) right into her little face. They're hard to describe, but the looks she gives him are hilarious. At first, she looked scared, but now she just looks put out, like "Why is this big-noggined kid in my face again?!?" She'll be three months old on Thursday, and I'm pretty sure she's going to be the boss of him...

Until next time...


Anonymous said...

I somehow managed to lose the first post. As I said then, you have the gift of gab...and writing. Make sure to keep stuff current for those of us away from you. I didn't realize how much I missed you until I saw you at Rick's. Take care of the kids, tell Keith hello, and remember your dad in Knoxville.

Anonymous said...

Ethan is so hilarious. I want him to move in with me just so I can giggle all day. I've said from the day I first saw him that he will be an Off. Lineman. Actually, after watching Carolina play last night, I seriously think he would be able to start for them RIGHT NOW. Heh heh.