Monday, October 30, 2006

Better late than never...

That's my life's motto. :) So, it's been over a month since I've posted anything. I think the point of blogging is to develop a readership while "expressing yourself." My theory so far is that it will be difficult to develop anything if I never post anything new... :) Just a guess...

On my favorite blog,, I saw a link to this thing with a gun... or maybe it was a target... anyway, when I clicked on it, it was a site promoting writing in your blog every day in November. I'm going to try it. You're supposed to register, but that would require commitment, and... well, I'm just not up for it. Maybe I'm really a man... :)

Here's to developing a readership, finding someone to format this blog so that it's nice and pretty like the other ones I read, and finding time to write every day in November... along with the 742.6 other things we have going on right now... :)

Speaking of....

The Jennings 4 are just coming off of the first two-kids-sick-at-the-same-time experience.

Not something I'd recommend to anyone, really.

Laney had an ear infection; Ethan had some sort of creeping respiratory crud.

And on top of that, we had the family reunion, homecoming at church, Trunk or Treat, and now Halloween.

Did I mention that I'm sick, too? And Keith's pretty non-sympathetic. Boo. I love him, and usually he is WONDERFUL in times of crisis, but apparently it's all sleepers for themselves at our house right now because he doesn't bother getting up.

Even when I'm dying.

Well, maybe he got up once or twice, but that's about it. Just like a man.

If I pretend I don't hear the screaming toddler/infant, she'll get up. I know she will. I just have to bear it a few more seconds... just a few more... zzzz....

He's not as clever as he thinks he is. Or maybe he is, since I am still getting up in the middle of the night. :P

So, I stayed out with the kids two days until I could no longer stand the idea that my school kids were running amuck and terrorizing the population of A-town AND both of the kids were feeling better.

And then I went back to school to get some rest... which only worked for the three minutes that I had before classes started because all 90 of my kids descended on me at once, asking a zillion questions.

I had to remind them about my personal space rule. It's not to be violated. Ever.

So we made it through the week with few other issues, except that Ethan is fascinated with taking medicine. The doctor prescribed medicine for him for his snot issues -- not a big deal. The kid's been on medicine since he was 6 months old for his allergies. Problem is apparently all medicines now taste good.

Where was this brainstorm when I was 4 and Dr. Haddock had me gagging on horse pills and choking down medicine that tasted like over-ripe bananas?!?!

So, he wants to take all medicine.

Even that which is not his.

Like his sister's.

Thank goodness for child-proof caps.

For the 956 times I can't get the fool things off to get the medicine out in the first place, they served their purpose this week. Of course, it'd also help if my beast of a three year old wasn't big enough to drag a heavy chair to the fridge and get to his sister's medicine while Mommy is putting away clothes upstairs.

Do they make refrigerator locks?

And can I get a maid so I don't have to put the clothes up in the first place???

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