Thursday, November 16, 2006

Together Again...

A little sentimental post for my girls from Tiger Town...

This time next week, Kel will be back in town! Do you guys realize that this is the FIRST time since her wedding -- which was right after graduation -- that we'll all be living in the same area, much less the same state! It doesn't seem like we've been gone that long, but it'll be EIGHT years in May...

Let's take a stroll down Al's Memory Lane...

Last night, I was driving to a holiday open house at a great little boutique in Clemson called Riverhurst Shops.

Ok, stop there. First of all, I was going to an open house -- and a holiday open house at that. Next stop -- retirement village.

Second, when did I start shopping at boutiques?!? Ahhh... what I wouldn't give for the days when Toad would put some money in my Tiger Stripe (or give me his Texaco card) and turn me loose!

Back to the story...

So, I'm driving my MINI-VAN in the pouring, frigid, Carolina-fall rain, and it's dark. My mom is in the front seat, Laney's in her carrier in the middle row, and my friend Shawn is wedged in the backseat.... which, by the way, is in a different zip code.

SIDEBAR -- the van is huge. For those who are laughing that I drive a van -- don't. I was the queen of "I'll never drive a mini-van." And I meant EVER. But more on this later...

So, we're driving through the edge of campus, and all of these perky little college kids are trudging around in their anoraks. I pull up to the intersection where the new student union stands, and I just about lost my breath.

Do you ever have those moments where a stab of nostalgia is almost painful? Like it brings tears to your eyes?

(No, Bess, I'm not trying to steal your novel name... :) )

It wasn't the exact location; I think it was more that I was on campus. All of those memories of us together during college just came tumbling back.

And I started thinking about those cold, nasty nights...

Last night, we would've been hunkered down in D-Square #1 in our flannel pj pants and long-sleeve t's, grubbing on pizza, watching THE Dawson's re-run for the 800th time, braving the cold every hour or so in our handy-dandy jackets or whatever GAP pullover we could find.

Somebody would've been dancing -- "I Will Survive," the Grease medley, an old shagging song...

Bess would've been calling Paul.

Susan would've been camped out in the chair, longing for the days of sunshine and bikinis.

I'd have been on my 3rd day with no sleep and twelve projects due the next day because, of course, Toad had signed me up for 39 hours in one semester.

Megan would've be playing DJ, telling stories about G-Vegas, and making us laugh.

Teri would've been putting on her contortionist show because "On My Own" would be playing on repeat on the TV.

Kel would've been responsible, completing her homework for the entire semester while still managing to be the life of the party.

And something funny would've happened.

Kelley would've asked a question like, "What's the Un-A-Bomber?" Bess might've told us a new chapter in the Pig-Nose saga. Megan and Teri might've recounted the First Week story. Susan could've embarrassed me in front of my current crush by rising from the recliner like a phoenix from the flames to make questionable slurs about the state of the apartment.

And we would've laughed... for hours... because that was what we did... in class, in the dorms, on the patio, in the den, driving to campus, walking, laying around, on the phone, in person...

That's what I remember most about college.

Us laughing.

And I love it. I love that we still laugh until we cry, that our beach trips and get-togethers are still as funny today as our jaunts downtown were then. I love that our kids are funny together and that our husbands think we're weird. I love that our emails make me laugh out loud, totally blowing my cover that I'm "typing a test" when I'm really emailing y'all during the day.

And so, in the warmth of my mini-van, I sent a silent shout-out to my girls because I miss you... and because I miss those days, even though I love my life now... but part of that is because y'all are still in it.

Here's to that fun trip this summer and sharing oxygen when we're 80 while we cheer our Tigers on to victory from the back porch of the nursing home...

Lord, somebody hide the lighter from Bess before she melts her fake nail and detonates the oxygen tank!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

On top of it all...

I hate days when my pants don't fit. :(

I've got a million and two things to do, and I'm worried about the fact that my pants could be a bit too snug.


Friday, November 03, 2006

Day 2


Now I know what writer's block is.

It's really hard to find inspiration when you're looking for it.

I could write about my students (who are CRAZY right now, by the way. Fridays should definitely be banned from all school weeks!), but unless you teach or have a teenager, that probably wouldn't be funny.

I could write about my kids, but I don't want to give y'all the impression that we are just too cute for ourselves... although, you know I think my kids are pretty hilarious. Ethan is just full of himself, and Laney, with her big ol' toothless grin, just cracks herself up... which cracks all of us up.

Keith doesn't even read the blog, I'm pretty sure, so I could write about him, but he gets embarrassed when I talk about how hot he is in public. I'm sure the internet wouldn't be any different...

I wonder if my friends and family live in fear of being in THE BLOG?

Anyway, I do have a question. Does anyone else's kids watch Boobahs? I don't know how to format the picture here, so it's randomly attached to the top of this post. (Photo from: Laney is obsessed.

Now, how can a 5 month old be obsessed?

I thought the same thing when a friend of mine mentioned her wee one just LOVES Bear in the Big Blue House. Whatever. They drool and poop and eat and sleep. How can they "love" a tv show?!?!

Now I know it is possible. She wakes up at odd hours of the night -- but strangely, Boobahs is always on. All I have to do is put her in her swing, turn on Boobahs, and she's good. For hours. Until Boobahs goes off. At which point, she goes back to sleep.

I've tried to watch them, to share her passion, but they're weird. I imagine that if you were to take illegal hallucinogens, you'd see Boobahs. (Not that I ever have -- the Boobahs are enough to discourage that...) I go to sleep after watching them, and I have weird dreams about little brightly colored blobs running around speaking their own language.

They're suspiciously like the Teletubbies, which also freak me out. (Image from Has anyone else noticed this?

Thursday, November 02, 2006


I blew it.

I didn't even make it through the first day!

I realized yesterday afternoon that I needed to post something to my blog so I could try the blog-every-day-for-a-month thing.

And I forgot.

I thought about it last night at church.

And I forgot when I got home.

So, here. It's a post.

Stick it in your ear, whoever came up with this idea of blogging for a month. I guess stick it in my ear, too, since I'm so dang competitive and can't turn anything down...