Monday, December 04, 2006

Ahhh... the holidays...

This is about par for the course when it comes to holidays at the Jennings' house. I plan meticulously and dream of perfect outings where the perfect family frolics in the perfect field... and I end up with a screaming meanie at the pumpkin patch.
I don't remember Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas being lumped so closely together as a kid, but I swear -- I barely get the jack-o-lantern off the porch before it's time to put the star on the tree.
I'm finding this more and more difficult with two kiddies. Everything takes twice as long, it seems, which is why, on Thursday night, members of my extended family found me decorating a mini-tree in the middle of the den (and in front of our glass foyer door) wearing a tshirt and underwear.
Not one of my finer moments.
But the Laney was in bed, K. was watching tv, Ethan was still eating dinner (as he'd been sitting at the table for an hour -- he was going to eat his supper, dadnabit!) and I had a moment of peace between baking cupcakes for the Christmas tree lighting at church and plotting the kids' wardrobes for the following day.
I'm sure they didn't plan to stumble upon the (very) scary sight of me camped out in a tshirt and undies, winter white (and relatively hairy) legs on display... and I'm pretty dang positive they won't show up at my house at night again. :)
Seriously, I didn't mind the visit -- I love my family and I was actually thrilled that they came by, as no one ever does because we live out of the way of everyone except our neighbors -- but it may have been more than they bargained for.
Come to think of it, my aunt did miss the Christmas tree lighting the following night because she was sick...

1 comment:

Megan said...

Amy--You always make me laugh out loud!