Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Does anyone else still make a Christmas list?

I've been working on lists for my family for about a month now, and I'm shocked to find that few people (as in ADULTS) actually make lists still.

I'm disturbed by this, as I think we should make lists for every holiday as well as general gift guides so as to avoid awkward/heinous/repeat gifts.

I am a list freak, though, so I don't know if everyone feels the same.

Now, I know it's really the spirit of giving that counts, and I'm not trying to sound greedy here. It's not the quantity of money spent but rather the quality of the gift. I, for example, love pens --specifically the felt tip Flair pens. They aren't terribly expensive, but a 4-pack of Flairs just lights up my life. I once had a co-worker give me a loaf of bread, a jar of creamy peanut butter, and a jar of grape jelly as a going away gift. I loved it and was so excited -- because 1) I love smooth pb & grape jelly sandwiches and 2) he paid attention to detail -- smooth, not crunchy; grape not strawberry.

That's what I'm talking about!

Now, K used to be a bad gift giver, but he has improved tremendously. I recently celebrated my *gasp* 30th birthday, and it was quite traumatic for me. (I loved being a 20-something, even when I was driving a mini-van.)

Before our first Christmas together, I pointed out several page-a-day calendars that I liked. (I'm also a calendar freak.)

I expected one.

He gave me seven.


Do you have any idea how long it takes to maintain 7 page-a-day calendars? I put them in my classroom (because I do like calendars), but I had to assign the duty to a student. It was too time-consuming.

Now, there's nothing wrong with excess, but I was shocked. I didn't have enough open surface area in my room. I had to double them up.

And then there was the year that I paid the mortgage twice right before Christmas, and we were flat broke until two days before Christmas. I'd had my Christmas shopping done for a month, but K. had bought nothing.

Over the years, though I didn't think he could top last year. LAST year, I had a volleyball game on my birthday, but when I got home, he had gone all out: pizza from my favorite pizzeria, complete with chocolate chip pizza (which is my favorite food in the entire world) for dessert (4 of them -- one for dessert and three to snack on as I saw fit!). The gifts were thoughtful -- two maroon and black bags for me to use for coaching (one small, one large) and an assortment of other gifts... but the kicker was this: he had my Clemson diploma framed with a beautiful picture of Tillman Hall, the main education building and former residence of Toad where I have so many fond childhood memories of growing up as a Tiger.

It still brings tears to my eyes.

It wouldn't have mattered if he'd laminated the two together -- it was the idea, the thought, the effort behind it that made it so special.

This year, though, he came through again. My birthday was incredible. We celebrated for two days. A friend of mine (Cory, you rock!) planned the party, and Keith helped assemble the details....

And thus, the ultimate Wonder Woman (my childhood hero) 30th birthday bash was given.

He and Cory assembled my Clemson girls for a night of good eats and good times, and it was magical. I got to wear the crown. I got my own Wonder Woman cake. There were Wonder Woman decorations everywhere.... and my girls were there. Life doesn't get much better, as far as I'm concerned.

Anyway, several people have commented (upon seeing me slave over my Christmas list) that I am in the minority, but I say there should be a gift list movement!

Register for general holiday and spontaneous gift giving ideas! (How many times have you gone to buy a gift and had no idea what to get? Wouldn't this solve this issue?!?)

Register for sizes and quantities and colors! (That way, if you want 74 place settings of china, you can get them over the next 50 years of your life! If you wear a size 8, you won't get size 24 pajamas!)

Gifts, of course, wouldn't be limited to just the list; the lists should be used as a guide.

Gift givers of the world, UNITE! Bad gift givers can be reformed with a little patience and guided shopping opportunities! No one should have to suffer opening another awkward/heinous/repeat gift again!

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