Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Things I Don't Understand (The Hilarity of It All)

So, I had to run a quick errand during my plan the other day. I relish any opportunity to get out of my concrete cubicle, so I skipped out to the MV, breathing in fresh air, sunshine, and the elixir of life-during-the-day-when-you-are-normally-couped-up-with-germy-kids. It was wonderful.

On the way back from my errand, I pull up behind what appears to be a normal car. I look away... something else caught my eye (shocking, I know, that my attention span is so minimal). I look back, and I think, "Something is odd about that car...." It seems really low to the ground.

About that time, I catch the eye of the odd-looking person in the driver's seat and he gives me the man-nod.

And then the car moves.

I don't mean moves forward. I mean moves up at an odd angle.

For a moment, I know I must've looked much like the RCA dog, head cocked at an unnatural angle.

I know I saw the car move, but it's not moving now..... and still, something isn't right.

Wait -- the front is much higher than the back. It wasn't like that before.... was it? Is my old age causing me to lose my memory?

At this point, I'm staring with my hand over my mouth, thankful I'm wearing sunglasses so it isn't exceptionally obvious that I'm staring while I sit in my non-mobile MV.

And the car moves again. This time, I see it, plain as day, and I realize that I am encountering hydrolics.

My first-ever, real-life experience with hydrolics that don't cause the car to bounce.

And then the show begins.

Just before the light changes, the car begins moving up and then down... rear bumper up... front bumper up... rear bumper down... front bumper down.

It is the craziest thing I have ever seen. The driver apparently sees my mouth gaping open and gives me the manly nod, then drives off as his car finally levels almost to the ground and then raises up to a semi-safe level so the belly of his car won't scrape up any roadkill...


I wonder if my MV can be tricked out like that....

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