Thursday, May 01, 2008

American Idol

I've never really understood the whole fascination with reality TV.

Now, I did love the first season of MTV's "Real World" back in the day... I wanted to be Julie, the Southern belle dancer who went to New York looking for a dance career but sort of found Eric Nies (hot guy turned MTV veejay). I wanted to be a dancer, and I would have been ecstatic to find someone as hot as Eric Nies when I was in college.

The whole idea of reality TV had just taken off and I thought I might be a good candidate because -- for whatever reason -- the whole "girl from the South" thing seemed to fascinate Hollywood, but like many risque things I've considered, I stopped short of auditioning for the show out of fear of what my dad would say or do.

Those of you who know my dad know that I am not kidding. He wouldn't think twice of showing up on the set and dragging me off into the sunset, spouting off words of wisdom like, "This is assanine, Amy!" No one would dare challenge him because he turns all red and looks a little scary when he gets miffed -- like a poisonous frog ready to shoot venom at anyone who gets in his path.

Anyway, I met K, my hot hunk-o-husband, and I didn't need Eric Nies anymore.... and I stopped dancing, so I didn't want to move to New York anymore (although I am considering auditioning for "So You Think You Can Dance" as incentive for losing the baby weight...).

I really just lost interest in reality TV after that... "Survivor" didn't strike a chord, nor did "The Bachelor." K and I did get kind of hooked into "Joe Millionaire," but we totally blame that on the fact that I was pregnant (with Ethan), sick at night, and didn't want to do much other than lay on the couch.


I am sort of an Idol junkie.

Not to the point of checking the website or voting or anything like that (yet)... but I am a faithful watcher, and this year -- for the first time -- I started getting a little antsy waiting for the next season.

It all started in the spring of 2005. K was living/working in A-town with my parents while Ethan and I finished up the school year in Knox-Vegas before making the big move that summer. My friend Amy N. and I started ordering Italian delivery from this little place in West Knoxville and watching the scary audition shows. It was all fun and games (and good food) until I saw one of my kids on there!

I don't know why, but I got so excited -- and I was hooked.

A lot of people say they hate watching those first shows, but really, it's kind of like my train wreck. I'm don't break my neck to look at wrecks and whatnot, but I will camp out on the couch to laugh at the freaks who audition for Idol.
K and I don't like the same kinds of music, so we have a great time intelligently debating the merits of those who make each rounds of cuts...
Me: "She looks like a terodactyl, so I don't think she's going very far."
K: "What does that have to do with her talent?!?"
Me: "Nothing. But how many terodactyls have you ever seen with successful singing careers? There's my point."

All of this brings me to my next revelation.

This season, I have been a big fan of Brooke, but I knew her time was coming to an end. What I don't understand is the fascination with David Archuleta. He's precious and whatnot, but I am not enamored with him or his talent.

Now, David Cook -- he rocks! He's talented, both vocally and instrumentally. I think he deserves to be in the top 4.

David Archuleta, while talented, isn't in the same league... and he looks like Max off of PBS's "Dragon Tales."
Disturbing resemblance, isn't it?
If Brooke and the other Austrailian rocker guy have to go, cute little David needs to go, too. I have a hard time taking him seriously because I keep expecting him to flit off to Dragon Land to visit Weezie and the other dragons.


Anonymous said...

Hilarious Amy! I totally see the resemblance. I am also a big David Cook fan. I am so glad you are "blogging" again. I have missed it!


Anonymous said...

yep i totally agree-sir smiles alot needs to go and so does sir smokes alot of weed-i was thinking Bob Marley-no i think he was thinking what am i singing? i am too high to remember....

Amy said...

I agree! Sir Smokes-A-Lot signed off his time with "I Shot the Sheriff" -- a Bob Marley song. I totally think his extracurricular activities could explain why he has trouble remembering lyrics....

Anonymous said...

YOu are more then welcome to come up to live out your dream anytime......

Believe me it is super glamorous !! : ) ha ha ha
