Saturday, October 11, 2008


Well, now.

How proud am I of myself?!?!

Five posts. Five days. AND a new look.

I'm not sure if I'm crazy about it yet.... I love the background, but it's hard to find a text color that shows up across the page.


Anyway, here it is -- Saturday @ the Jennings' house.

Pretty dang eventful, if I do say so myself.

It started this morning around 7 a.m. when Ethan came downstairs and got in bed... where I was sleeping, sitting up, holding Sam because he refused to sleep in his bassinet for more than, like, 4.2 minutes at a time.

Next came Laney, just a few minutes later...Yes, that's right. 5 people in our bed. Not ideal conditions for sleeping, unless you are K, who just rolled over and continued his peaceful slumber while Laney and Ethan fussed and argued and wrestled for "sleeping" positions.

I say "sleeping" because neither of them slept.

Obviously, I didn't get to sleep either.

Ethan whispered to himself. Laney sang. I tried to pretend I was asleep until Ethan pressed his nose to mine, at which point my claustrophobic tendencies came out and I had to move away so I could breathe. That disrupted Sam's sleep, so he started snorting loudly and sort of crying.

Finally, I just said, "To heck with it!" and got up. (I didn't say it out loud, however, because it would be something Ethan would pick up and start repeating... like he did with "Dadgummit!"... in Sunday School... except it came out "Damgummit!" instead...)

K at least waited until we were all out of the bed before he sprawled out across the sheet, still sleeping.

So, I made breakfast for the big kids... fed and changed the little kid... watched some cartoons with all three kids and Lindsey, my favorite little cousin/au pair... and still, Keith slept.

I showered, got dressed, got Ethan dressed, refereed a couple of fights, had meaningful conversation with Laney... and still, K slept.

FINALLY, right before I took Ethan to the birthday party, K got up and moved to the couch... where he's been for most of the day, watching football, while I dropped Ethan off, came back, fed & changed Sam, left with Laney and Sam and Lindsey to go pick up Ethan, ran some errands, took Lindsey home, visited with my parents, came home, fed Sam, checked on Ethan, took Laney to the potty, and Facebooked in between.

K is not asleep at this moment, but he is laying on the couch.


And, since LSU doesn't play until 8 pm tonight, the couch is where he'll stay until late tonight.

I thought we might actually accomplish something last week because both Clemson and LSU had Saturday off... but he developed a short-term infatuation with the other 12 teams that were playing that day...

Don't get me wrong -- I love some college football, and I do enjoy spending the day watching games... IF I could actually watch the games in peace.

Have I mentioned that we have three kids and that peace is not really something we have a lot of around our house?

In addition to some rare form of narcolepsy, I also think K has incredibly impressive selective hearing... as in he only hears what's coming out of the TV.

I love him, but sometimes, I think I may have actually married Bernie... as in the dead guy from "Weekend at...".

I don't see how anyone can block out that much noise and mayhem unless he/she is actually lacking a pulse.

As a result, though, I have developed my own sort of malady which doesn't have a technical name yet, but I believe it is equally annoying to K.

I call it the I-Don't-Cook,-Clean,-Or-Do-Anything-Productive-While-He's-Watching-Football disease.

It's crippling, really.

I can't seem to find the energy (or will) to do anything remotely related to housework... which means that around 6 pm tonight, K will rouse from his stupor to ask, "What's for dinner?" to which I will respond with " " accompanied by a blank look.

This will annoy him beyond words... although not quite as much as the imprint of his body on our sofa annoys me.

Yeah... he's asleep again... rough life, camped out on the couch, eating pop-tarts and holding Sam (who sleeps 20 out of 24 hours in a day...)... has to require sleeping in and taking 47 naps in one day...

I may have to resort to fifth-grade slumber party techniques, like dipping his hand in water and freezing his bra....

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