Monday, August 17, 2009

Ode to Summer's End and Day 118...

Well, the mobile blog thing was short-lived because I couldn't ever remember what day I was on, and I kept deleting the sent emails without thinking, "Oh, wait! I need to know what my next blogging day is!" Snikes.

Speaking of snikes -- where the heck did my summer go?!?! One day, I'm laying by the pool, watching my kids frolic in the water. The next, I'm getting up early and wearing uncomfortable clothes and trying to remember where I saved my syllabus from last year.


I am not ready for this.

Day 118:
1. the sense of relief when I finally get everything in order in my classroom.
2. spending days and days of my summers in junior high and high school, reading TEEN magazine from cover to cover and planning my back-to-school wardrobe. I know -- so nerdish, but it fed my inner-OCD over-achiever to chart out every outfit in my closet on index cards.
3. discovering some of my old journals from high school while cleaning out my classroom and laughing at how excited I used to get about the first day of school. I might possibly have been una nerda.
4. opening new school supplies.
5. no meetings this morning. :-)

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