Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Reflections and a Drive-through Daiquiri Shop

***Uhhh, I wrote this back at the very beginning of January and apparently forgot about it...

Ok, for a moment, let me be sentimental.

(If I knew how to create spectacular blogs, I'd put a photo show up to recap the year, like the one on www.whoorl.com, but alas, I am only an amateur...)

I am constantly amazed at my life. I mean, God knows who I am, and He stills likes me.

A lot of people know me much less intimately than God... and they don't even pretend to like what little they know...

I never cease to marvel.

Anyway, my blessings are more than abundant, and my brain just cannot comprehend how the likes of me can be so completely blessed.

My parents, although strange beings, are wonderful and have blessed me with lots of positive traits to go along with the wide nostrils, bump on the nose, flat rear, and way-too-big boobs. I see so much in the way of kids who parents just don't care, and I am more and more grateful every day that mine did and still do.

We won't mention that I was a head-strong, defiant child from the time I could talk until... well, I turned into a head-strong, defiant adult... and that even DSS probably wouldn't have blamed them for giving me a good, swift kick in the butt.

My brother and I have finally outgrown the beat-each-other-until-there's-blood phase... good thing, since he's in Special Ops.... Turns out, we like each other! Seriously, we did stay in that phase longer than most... until I went to college, I believe, but we've actually grown into a civilized, loving friendship. He makes me laugh, and he makes my kids laugh, and he's marrying someone who is convincing him not to wear his pants under his armpits. I love her because she loves him, jacked-up pants and all, while trying to help him understand that combat boots don't really go with everything. Life doesn't get any better!

Then, there's my wonderful husband who is one of the hottest men on the planet, even when his hair has grown out past any length I'd ever hoped to see. He also makes me laugh, partially because he's random and partially because he's still amazed that I'm not normal after 6 years of marriage. He has a beautiful smile and a loving soul, and I am so, so lucky. It took me a while to realize it because I used to think that I was completely self-sufficient, but I've realized that what I am alone is a shadow of what we are together.

I'll pause while you vomit in the nearest trashcan.

That brings me to my kids. They are hysterical, full of personality and life. Both are very happy children... usually. (Both also inherited my temper, which isn't a plus.) Being biased, I think that both of my children are exceptionally gifted, but they are also real. Both have quirks that make them unique, and I love that they are not carbon cut-outs of the Gerber baby... this makes for lots of good stories. Of course, I don't always love their behavior, but as a friend once told me, "Interesting children make interesting adults." I can deal with a few tantrums, I guess. :)

In my younger days, I didn't plan on having children... until Ethan turned up as a surprise. God knew that I would need children to ground me and to make my life full. Ethan opened my eyes to an entire world I would never have experienced, had I stuck to my original plan. I didn't think it would be possible to love a second child as much as I love him, but then Laney came along, and I'm amazed how love grows. She is her own little person, even at 7 months.

Recently, K. and I were snuggled on the couch, watching TV, with both kiddies snuggled between us. I thought, "I love my life." I was kind of stunned once I realized this thought was in my head because I'm not a sappy person, and I sort of felt like I was in a Lifetime movie for women.

The truth is, though, that I do love my life, and maybe it's because I'm getting older, but I am often overwhelmed to the point of feeling suffocated because I just can't get my mind around how all of these blessings are mine.

Growing up, I would have laughed if anyone had told me that the light and love in my children's eyes would make my entire existence worthwhile. I would have dismissed the idea that I would ever be truly happy as a wife; I thought marriage would interfere with all of my plans. I've always valued my friendships, but I never imagined how much my friends would enrich my life -- guy friends, girl friends, fleeting friendships, lasting ones, my friends from The Ville where I grew up, my Clemson girls, my Knox-Vegas family... with a kaleidoscope of others from here and there that season the mix just right.

Anyway, I do thank my lucky stars (and God) every day, although I realize this will never be enough. I try to give back as often as possible, although I realize I'll never be able to make a dent in what I owe.

On top of all of these things, I get bonus blessings -- like the drive-thru daiquiri shop near my in-laws house in Baton Rouge. Who knew that these sorts of things existed?!?! Where I live, you don't even drive your own car to the liquor store... or at the very least, you park in the back and enter through the secret entrance... :) I'm amazed that this drive-thru -- which looks very much like a converted slushy stand -- can operate since there is an open container law in Baton Rouge (from what I'm told). Hmmm...

Here's to 2007! :)

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