Tuesday, February 20, 2007


I can upload pictures! Here are the two snowbunnies when first the crisp snow fell...

This is Zelda the Fierce, the fearless snow dog. I think she thought she was protecting us from the scary white stuff...

And here she is protecting Ethan from the furry thing attacking his face... better known as a snow jacket....

I promise not to cue the sentimental music or anything. I do want to post two other pictures of the "snowman"... you'll see why that's in quotation marks...

Bless it. It's more of a snow small person. (Is that politically correct? I couldn't remember if it's impolite to use dwarf or midget...)

Oh, and I lied. One more...

This isn't snow related, but it's funny. The cute little round man in the back is my dad.... love his heart. I want you to check out Laney's shoes.

They are my all-time favorite Laney purchase -- even above the palmetto tree and crescent moon smocked dress.... Who doesn't love baby snow boots?!?! She hates them, but I figure she's too young for the experience to scar her for life. No one remembers life at 9 months...

Speaking of shoes, though -- I had a moment today. I am, for those of you who don't know, chronically late. So this morning, as I rushed across the very slick floor at the top of the stairwell in my building, the heel of my brown stiletto boot caught on the floor...

Yes, that's right -- not on something on the floor --but on the floor itself.

Somehow, my heel skidded under me, causing me to pitch forward onto my knees. I slid about three feet on my knees like I was getting ready to break out into a fabulous guitar solo in a 1980s hair band concert, and then -- this is the amazing part -- stepped right up out of the slide and commenced to walking, like I intended for all of this to happen.

Well, I took about two steps until I realized that I had possibly burned every scrap of skin off of my knees, and then I hobbled to the railing.

Now, the embarrassing part of all of this is that one of my students was right behind me. To his credit, he at least asked if I was ok and tried to help me up (until, like the Bionic Woman, I walked right out of my knee slide on my own without missing a beat) before he kind of giggled to himself. He didn't even belly laugh out loud...

I did learn two very important things--
1- I may be getting too feeble to wear stilettos, and
2- It's a good thing I'm late. If I'd been any earlier, there would've been a whole slew of students, and everybody would've seen me bust my A....

1 comment:

Megan said...

Awwww...they are all precious! I love Laney's boots. Only Amy's kids would have cute and coordinated snow gear!