Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Weekend re-cap

1) Son scaled fence at T-ball meeting. It was one of those moments when other people notice first and gasp in horror as delinquent parents continue to talk.... I made K. go retrieve the little monkey. Oh, and by fence, I don't mean the 4 ft fence around the field... I mean the 10 ft. fence in front of the dugout....

2) Go to eat with adults Sat. PM for birthday. Have fun and adult beverages. Have to go home and bake cake. Bad idea.

3) Have inservice Monday, which -- to me -- counts as an extended weekend since I don't have to teach. Go to lunch with grown-up friends. Order grown-up baked chicken. Chicken arrives looking yummy... until I realize that there is a chicken neck/gizzard on my plate as well. Ever seen a cooked chicken neck/gizzard? Probably don't want to -- especially while you're eating the rest of the bird. Thanks, Cracker Barrel. Won't be ordering outside of the breakfast menu again...

4) Have Rainbow Vacuum woman come to do demonstration, thanks to my co-worker's recommendation. Takes hours. Haven't eaten dinner. Am starving, considering chicken gizzard incident ruined lunch. Rainbow woman pulls disgusting amounts of stuff out of floors and furniture with nifty vac; am ready to chew off arm from hunger by time she leaves. Make dinner. Shrimp are tough, dilled green beans are foul (don't recommend buying those -- came from can -- Del Monte? Whoever makes all the canned veggies w/ green labels), and couscous is grainy. For me, there is not much that p's me off more than a day of bad food intake.


Joe Rector said...


Didn't anyone ever tell you to never let a vacuum salesman in the house? Sure, they clean up stuff, but then they want to show it to you, the same as a kid picks his nose and then brings it to his mom for show and tell.

A chicken neck and gizzard are that bad. Have you ever seen the piece of chicken that went over the fence last?

Joe Rector

Anonymous said...

Hey! I didn't know you were still alive. How are things?

If you haven't had a chicken neck and gizzard you haven't lived yet.

Anonymous said...

Do you have an e-mail address? I hate to keep leaving messages on your blog thingy.

Mine is Joseph-Rector@utc.edu.

I forgot about the M&M's. That was hilarious. I really almost fell out of my chair when I read that.