Monday, May 14, 2007

New Developments in J-Town

So, I'm trying a new approach in light of my sloppy blogging practices over the past months... Instead of setting aside a certain time every day to write a complete entry, I'm going to try opening a new post in the morning and just working on it as I get time during the day.

I figure it'll be either wildly successful... or my ADD will kick in and nothing will make any sense. :)

The school year is winding down, so this time of year is always crazy. Throw in tball, K.'s ballgames, end of year programs, birthdays, and 574 social commitments, and you have one crazy-A mom.

I will throw out a High-5 to K for an excellent Mother's Day. Yesterday was lovely. My house is a complete disaster, but we spent the entire day doing nothing but what we wanted. K. even got up early (a Mother's Day miracle) so we could go to breakfast before church. Spent the afternoon with the fam... went to get ice cream (my favorite) last night... Awesome. I'm coming to value the minutes spent relaxing more and more. Does this mean I'm getting old?

On another note, my kids are becoming more and more bizarre. Laney has started growling... as in "grrr." at people. I'm not sure what this is all about.... maybe she's spent too much time with the family dogs. Last week at Chick-Fil-A, she started baring her (two teeth -- both on the bottom) at the man in the booth behind us and making a growling noise. ?!?!? Should I be alarmed? She's cute as can be, but is this baby aggression?

Ethan, on the other hand, is way dramatic... like he's constantly auditioning for a spot on a sitcom. Over-exaggerated faces, fully-inflected voices, running stream-of-consciousness commentary on everything. We ask him, on a regular basis, to stop talking, but thus far, it's been to no avail. A couple of weeks ago, he was in TeamKid with my cousin Jennifer. I laughed out loud as I walked by the room and heard her say, "Ethan. Wow. You talk a lot."

Yes. Yes, he does. Hoping 4K will help him learn some control over this. K. says I've created the little monster because I talk to him all the time... like carry on adult conversations with him. It's just that his answers are so funny. Recently, he's started saying that God tells him to do things or that God said he could do something.... i.e "Mommy, you know who said I could have M&Ms? God!"

How do you argue with that?

Oh, and more exciting news... we have a new dog. Zelda, the faithful family pet, brought home a friend. He stayed. He's a boxer named Boudreaux... a little shout out to K's bayou roots. No one has claimed him, but he has staked a claim on our couch, on Zelda's bed... and pretty much wherever else he so desires. He is seriously one of the best natured dogs I've ever met, but he has no sense of personal space, which sometimes causes a problem for me, who is a little anal about retention of personal space.

Zelda is regretting her decision, as he also has no regard for her seniority as Queen B. of the House. She is becoming quite ill-tempered, but we just keep reminding her that she's the one who brought him home...

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