Monday, May 07, 2007


I cannot believe it's almost been a month since I've written!

Can I just say that I have an entirely new respect for my mom and dad? Between K's ball games and Ethan's ball games and my other activities, I feel like I barely eat dinner before it's time to go to bed and start all over again the next day?!?!

I think about all the times my dad or mom would have to leave work or go out of their way to help me out, and I wonder how we'll balance when Laney gets old enough to have "stuff" to do!

I also have been thinking a lot lately about the fact that this time last year, Laney hadn't even been born! What a difference a year makes! She's already walking and talking -- 1st word was DaDa, but her first real word that she consciously connected to something was dog... probably because our dogs see her as a moving, lickable toy. She throws in "DOG!" amidst lots of baby curses.

Ethan just turned 4, which makes me sad because I remember when he was Laney's age. He's all but grown and is very bossy. He told me today that I can't call my dad "Daddy"; I have to call him "Papa" because that's his name. Whatever, kid. I'm your mom, and I'm still right!

On the other hand, the year is winding down, and so are my nerves... but more about that later. I just wanted to post something, although not too witty or funny, so I wouldn't be a complete slacker. :)

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