Monday, July 02, 2007

Things I Love About Being A Mommy

1. When Ethan tries to sneak powdered donuts, only to start talking to us about the powdered donuts as he starts walking up the stairs (DING-DING! Sure sign he's got the goods...). Upon having to come downstairs into the den to face K and me, he denies having eaten any donuts... despite the very thick (and obvious) ring of powdered sugar around his mouth. Finally, when K charges him to "Tell the truth!", Ethan confesses... like we didn't know all along...

2. Laney's morning habit of burrowing her head into my neck when I get her out of bed.

3. Ethan's crazy talk. He can't say "thirteen," but he knows that the Pharisees didn't like Jesus... and that he wants to marry his cousin Emma. (We're a little concerned about the latter and hope he grows out of it...)

4. The first time that Laney identified me as "Mommy." We play this identification game where I put my hands on her face and say, "Laney" and then do the same to myself and say, "Mommy." She's never responded until this past week, when I said, "Where's Laney?" and she put her hands up on her little chubby cheeks. I recognized immediately that she was playing our game, so I said, "Where's Mommy?" She reached up to me and put her little pudgy hands on my cheeks, and y'all, I teared up. Girlfriend can say "Dog", "Daddy", "Zelda", "Ethan", and "Stop" -- but she doesn't say "Mommy" or even "Mama" with any clarity. I was beginning to think that maybe she just thought I was some random crazy woman who won't leave her alone.

5. Sort of a reference to #1 -- Ethan's poor sneaky skills. After a stay with my cousin Julie, Ethan became obsessed with Froot Loops. Loves them. Talks about them. Wants them to be declared a food group. One day, he came to the top of the stairs and declared, "Mommy, don't look under my bed, ok?" Ummm.... sure. I'm coming up there right now. He had stolen and stashed the box of sugary stuff under his bed, of course. I love, of course, that I know he can't do anything wrong without some major show of guilt, like proclaiming that the gummies are not in his closet or bringing me a pair of scissors with a cheek-pinching smile of innocence.

6. Watching Laney become a purse and shoe freak right in front of my eyes. Nevermind that she carries her purse like Mammaw going to the grocery store, swinging her arm like she's got some serious business to tend to. We can take care of purse etiquette later.

7. Listening to Ethan play by himself. He is hysterical, and I'm not just saying that because he's my kid. He makes up songs, dances, and shares enthralling conversations between Red Power Ranger and Diego. He's always kind of seemed to believe that he is indeed the star of his own cartoon show, which proves for interesting conversations around the house and in the car. ("Mommy, I fink der's someving mysterious -- berry mysterious -- going on! Someone's going to steal your jewels!" Shut up! I have jewels?!?!) Now it seems he's writing and producing cartoons with his toys. I hope this turns into a lucrative career...

8. Laney's fascination with tiaras. She wears a tiara for at least a few minutes a day almost every day -- of her own accord. Her favorite is a pink sequined tiara headband. I think it's good for her; K. thinks we're both crazy and has vowed to have her removed to protective custody if we start having tea and crumpets in the afternoon.

9. Ethan's tendency to chastise me. This morning, for example, as we're driving to volleyball practice, I am talking on the phone to the other vb coach. He clears his throat politely. "A-hem." When I don't respond, he clears his throat again, only a little louder. "A-HEM!" I ask him what he needs. He tells me -- in a very grown-up, responsible voice -- "Mommy, you are not supposed to talk on the phone when you are driving. Keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road." I'm raising an 80 year old man in a 4 year old's body.

10. Watching Laney explore the world on her own. She loves to sort laundry... read books (in her own language, of course)... stack containers... hide things... find them again like she didn't hide them to begin with... I love to hear her say "Wow!" in her surprised little voice when she sees something she likes or does something on her own for the first time. Her wonder and amazement at everything around her really makes me stop and take notice of things I'd probably normally walk right by.

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