Monday, September 10, 2007

Testing.. Testing... 1-2-3

My elementary school chorus teacher used to test the microphones this way before performances.... I never understood why. Any insight on that???

On another note.... y'all, school is kicking my butt! I'm teaching a class during my plan for another teacher who is out on maternity leave. Now, I am the queen of wasting time during my plan... I can always find something else to do besides grade papers and whatnot... but I've realized how much I actually accomplish now that I don't have a plan at all.

Like posting to my blog. :)

Lots has happened around the house...
1- We have neighbors. People have finally moved in to the house next door. Our dogs, however, are protesting the encroachment on their territory by baring their teeth and terrorizing the new neighbors' 10 year old son. Thank heavens they like animals....

2- Ethan has started Big Boy School. I cried.

3- Laney is finally showing signs of being a person instead of a demanding, crying, whining spawn of Satan disguised (in the presence of company, of course) as a precious, smiling baby.

4- School has started. Volleyball has started. I don't want to jinx it, but I think we might win a few this year.

5- C-L-E-M in cadence count! Yes, that's right, boys and girls! It's football time in SC -- and (although they are performing well) I don't mean for The Gamecocks! We'll have more to say about the season and how we're going to have to sell our kids on the black market to pay for tickets next season.

There's much more, but I'm squeezing this in while my kids are working on an essay, and the natives are starting to get restless....

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