Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Hope Y'all Are Sitting Down...

First, I do realize that it has been almost two months since I posted anything, and I am so sorry. Y'all know I'm slack, but this time, I sort of have a reason.

I am pregnant.

Might I add that this news is very unexpected to all -- especially me and K. We are thrilled -- but we really, really, really were done with the whole birthing babies process after Laney. I mean, she's a handful... and the thought of having two of her makes me want to relocate in the witness protection program.

Plus, when I named our/my blog address jennings4, I wasn't expecting to change it.

Anyway -- back to not writing...

For the first couple of weeks of the new year, I was trying to get things back together with school, so I was a little preoccupied. Then, we found out about the baby -- which has already garnered a slew of nicknames....

Swimmer and Pitcher -- Ethan says there are two boy babies... which freaks me out, since he was dead-on about Laney. Now, the doctor only saw one.. but the ultrasound picture is a blob, so I don't know. Ethan, on the other hand, explains this whole "one baby" phenomenon this way: "Pitcher was hiding." Great.

Bunco -- or Baby Bunco -- courtesy of my bunco pals... I found out I was pregnant sort of by accident while at bunco last month. Most of the crew had left, and I was just standing around, yapping with my Bridge Run girls (minus Donelle). The conversation turned to kids, and I said (famous last words), "Oh, we're done. No more." Thought pops into my head -- and out of my mouth, "Well, I mean, I'm a week late, but..." Conversation stops. Lindsay, the hostess, offered to let me take a test that she had, so I did --- TOTALLY not thinking it would ever come out positive. I mean, I've been on the pill for almost two years... no recent antibiotics or anything.... so you can imagine my surprise when the second line shows up immediately on the test. The girls were fabulous, though... I could tell they were waiting to see if I was going to freak out... but really, at that point, what good would that do? I just had to let it sink in. They wrapped the test up in a beautiful package for me to take home to K... who promptly asked if I kept the receipt. :-)

Ambrosia Surprise -- My English teacher friends here at school nicknamed Laney "Tallulah" because I love the name but K. wouldn't hear of naming his daughter that. When I told them that I was expecting again, they promptly set about creating an original name for this baby, too... after they had a good laugh about me not heeding their advice to NOT give away all of my baby stuff because I'd turn up pregnant. (I just cleared out the last of the baby stuff in December.) If it's a boy, however, they decided to stay with A.S. as initials but figured that "Ambrosia" (which came from who knows where) would be too feminine... and that's how Anderson Swimmer came about... which incorporates the birth place with Ethan's name. You know we English teachers are all about giving names with meanings...

At any rate, the baby has been nicknamed, and we are preparing for his/her/their arrival. The whole thing has been a bit distracting, and so I figure I'm sort of justified in having not written. I mean, I'm making body parts here. Give me a little bit of a break... ;-)

I'm sure y'all are going to be sitting on the edge of your seats to hear all about how this third pregnancy is going. I will say that I am glad that I have already made the move to the MV because I do believe that a third child, combined with a third time of having lost weight only to get pregnant, plus a mini-van could possibly send me right into an identity crisis.

DISCLAIMER: My normally razor-sharp grammatical skills have gone all to pot in the past few weeks... I'm hoping it's a side effect of the pregnancy. Please excuse any glaring grammatical errors. I don't feel like fixing them.


Joe Rector said...

Well, I've got a couple of births to celebrate. It's looking more and more as if you'll never make it back to Knoxville. I wouldn't either if I had to haul 3 kids back and forth. Hang in there and keep us informed. If you need anything, you can always call on your dad in Knoxville.

Joe Rector said...

Well, I've got a couple of births to celebrate. It's looking more and more as if you'll never make it back to Knoxville. I wouldn't either if I had to haul 3 kids back and forth. Hang in there and keep us informed. If you need anything, you can always call on your dad in Knoxville.

Anonymous said...

So...umm if Ethan is some kind of baby predicting genius, can you pimp out his services? Sometime soon I might be, maybe thinking about it, not really sure, contemplating having one....and I think I'd like to get his professional opinion! :)

Anything I can do for you, just let me know....I'm in!