Monday, March 03, 2008

Random Things That Concern Me

I am a terrible housekeeper. Anyone who knows me can probably attest to this. It's not that I don't have good intentions... it's just that I am easily distracted from cleaning.

For example, I was out last week for three days with sick kids. I had one good, focused day of task accomplishing. The other two were pretty well wasted. I had a plan for each of the three days but was seriously derailed on two out of three.

On Day One, I got sucked in a party-planning catalog that I came across while straightening up... and that was the end of my productivity. I realized that I hadn't planned squat for the kids' birthdays... and normally, by now, I'm pretty much through with the planning.

That sent me into panic mode.... As of today, I still haven't figured out where to have Ethan's party nor what kind of theme to use, and I can't find any cute decorations to coordinate with Laney's. This may not seem like a major catastrophe for most, but knowing that birthday party venues are few and far between here (shocking, I know), I'm a little freaked out.

This presents a problem.

Day Two was the productive day. I didn't discover any sort of major undertaking about which I had forgotten.

Day Three was equally unproductive because, in the midst of cleaning out Laney's closet, I found the kids' Easter baskets.

I love their Easter baskets. When Ethan was a wee little tot, I found a store in Knox-Vegas that made hand-painted Easter baskets -- totally cute. I designed one for him -- blue and green with frogs -- totally precious.

When Laney came, I had a friend of mine go back to the store and order one for Laney. Hers is just as precious -- pink and white with ladybugs and polka dots.

There was one problem, though: Laney's is bigger than Ethan's.

Anyone with multiple kids knows how that is going to work out in the long run... "Why is her basket bigger than mine?" "My basket is bigger so Mommy and Daddy love me more."

You get the idea.

When I called the store to order another one for Ethan, they told me they were *gasp* going out of business.

You can imagine where that leaves me for Baby #3.

So.... instead of finishing Laney's closet, I've been looking online for 2 baskets with wooden slats (not woven!) and handles... to no avail.

Anyone with information on how I can solve these crises? I'd appreciate it so I can move on to other more relevant the dishes in my sink....

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