Thursday, July 24, 2008

I'm A Little Disappointed...

that no one else seems to be amused by the mullet picture. :-( I still laugh every time I see it.

Anyway, life is just chugging along here in P-town.

I went to the doctor earlier this week, and all is well in Swimmer's world. He/she is -- as the doctor so politely noted -- "a chubby little thing," weighing in at 4.5 lbs. so far.

That didn't trigger any alarms until I got home and found out via internet that a typical baby at this point weighs about 3 lbs.

Shocking. Our other two kids were 9 lbs. and 8.5 lbs. respectively. I wasn't really expecting this one to be any different, but it's still slightly alarming to hear that your child is already in the 93rd percentile for size before he/she "really starts gaining weight."

On another note, we are trying to potty-train Laney. She has totally immersed herself in the idea.

We have yet to be able to convince her that she does not have to be one with the potty in order to successfully potty train.

This has resulted in a lot of gagging on my part and a lot of baths for her. (Yes, I threw away the comb as well as washed the dress and Laney in hot water with lots of soap. Our toilets are clean, but that doesn't mean we're going to bathe in them.)

Ethan has also chosen this summer to assert his individuality, which he often chooses to express through his choices in clothing.

We haven't been able to convince him, either, that items of the same color should not always be worn together, such as brown socks and brown Chuck Taylor's.

He usually responds to my gentle fashion guidance by saying, "Mommy, it will be fine.Don'tworry."

But I do worry... mostly that people are laughing at my precious little child.

Have I mentioned that two weeks ago he wore his bike helmet to the skating rink? "For protection," he said.

Yes; people did laugh. I was one of them.

Never a dull day...

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