Friday, August 08, 2008

Winds of Change...

I cannot believe I have to go back to school in less than a week.

This is totally stressing me out.

There's actually a lot changing around here, and really, all I want to do is pile up on the couch, go to sleep, and pretend everything is normal.

I'm not against change; I actually like it, most of the time. It's just that there's so much going on. I need to be able to process, and apparently I don't process quit this fast.

For example, Laney is pretty much potty trained, with the exception of an occasional accident... which usually happens in public. I can now say I've been peed on by one of my kids.

For the record, I didn't like it.

I always have a change of clothes for Laney; I don't usually, however, carry one for myself.... little reminds you more that you are grown up and a mommy than walking around the grocery store with a pee stain the size of a beach ball on your shirt.

On the other hand, she is growing very, very, very, very independent.

I should really add a few more "very"s to that.

Her favorite phrase is "I do it myseeefffff!"

This drives me crazy on at least one occasion (usually more like 573 occasions) per day... like when she insists on buckling her own seat belt... at her own pace... which is 754 light years behind my schedule... OR when I try to dress her... Or put her shoes on... OR even pick out her shoes...

You get the idea.

I love that she is independent. It's just that she must realize that I am The Queen, and I make the rules.

Also, Ethan starts 5K in less than 2 weeks.

I had my first good cry over this last night.

I do believe K thinks that I am crazy and/or severely hormonal...

But in fairness to me, I am always this way when it comes to Ethan. I worry about him because he wears his heart on his sleeve, and his little feelings get hurt so easily... unlike his sister, who would just as soon punch you in the eye if you don't agree with her....

Anyway, it's just hard to believe that this time five years ago, he was just 3 1/2 months old... and now he thinks he's pretty much grown...


I know, I know. Moving on.

Of course, there's also the impending arrival of Swimmer... which will be on my birthday.

First, I'm still not sure about how I feel about the whole birthday bit. I, uh, am a bit of a birthday freak... as in, I l.o.v.e. my birthday. Love it. Love it. Love it. Neither being unconscious nor the idea of undergoing major surgery on my birthday ranks high on my list of "Favorite Ways to Celebrate."

Cake, presents, unlimited birthday attention -- YES!
Major incision where they take all of your guts out and make origami out of your insides -- Not so much.

On the other hand, I do think it will be totally cool to share birthdays with Swimmer for the rest of our lives. My dad, the ever-round and cuddly Toad, and my Pop share the same birthday, and I always thought that was really neat.

*For the record, I am very glad this kid isn't sharing K's birthday...which falls on or near Thanksgiving... because I'd never get rid of the whole "Thanksgiving feast @ our house" celebration.

Anyway, I am also so ready to have this pumpkin that I'd agree to any day, as long as it gets here soon. And, of course, it's not every day that you get a kid on your birthday. What an incredible present!

Kind of makes all other gifts pale in comparison....

(Remind me of that when he/she is 3 weeks old, not sleeping through the night, and colicky.)

AND on top of all of this, I go back to school next week, which means no more mid-day naps... no fun trips with the kids... no snuggling on the couch early in the morning...

I should probably be very pleasant next week.

Consider yourself warned. :-)

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