Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Ahhh Yeah....

Two days in a row! I'm going for a record....

First, I have to laugh because I snapped this picture of Laney this morning:

I fell asleep last night after dinner, and I didn't see what she picked out to wear to bed. (Have I mentioned that she's a little headstrong and that we go rounds over what she wears in public? I have relinquished the bedtime battle as long as she's not spending the night away.)
Anyway, sometime during the night, she came and climbed in bed with K & me, but it was dark. This morning, sometime way before I wanted to get up, the alarm went off, and I began my daily routine of trying to oust K from the bed.
(It goes something like this:
The alarm goes off at 5:30-ish.... Keep in mind, I just went to sleep after feeding Swimmer. -- (Me): Keith, get up.
(Keith): *muffled snarffle*
I hit the snooze.
This repeats every five minutes until around 6:30, when I finally lose patience.
"Keith! Get up right now! It's 6:30, and you're going to be late for work!"
I won't type what I really want to say... and I've tried all the alternatives... Putting the alarm clock on the floor across the room... putting the alarm on his side of the bed... not waking him up... setting the alarm later since he never gets up the first 564 times I try... none of it works... I've decided this is my curse in life.)
After I FINALLY got him to get out of bed, I got up and started getting Ethan ready. Sometime between 6:30 and 7:15, Laney decides to wake up. I was fixing Ethan's hair in the bathroom, when I hear this really annoyed little voice demanding, "Whah's mah pink banket?!?!"
(Translation: "What did you peons do with my pink blanket, and why isn't it waiting on me when I get up?! Off with your heads!")
The princess has arisen. Let the bowing down begin.
I turn and see her standing on our bed, hands on hips, in a white tank top and a pull-up, hair all askew, pacifier in mouth.
"Uh, is she wearing a wife beater?" I ask.
"I don't know." K answers. He's obviously a morning person.
"Laney. What do you have on?" I ask.
"Shaht, Mommy. Wid pig." (That'd be "A shirt, Mommy. With a pig on it.")
Oh. Um. Ok. Now, she's worn this before, but it has a cute little matching bottom that goes with it -- as in a matching set of pjs. In that context, it is not wife-beaterish, at all.
When paired with a pull-up... it's a little scary... like she's going to be the cover of Gretchen Wilson's next single, "Redneck Princess."
So, knowing my semi-conscious state of shock at her wearing a wife beater, you can imagine how much more shocked I was to come into the den to find her wrapped up in our cheetah print blanket.
Now, I love this blanket, and -- until the kids got a hold of it -- it was a lovely accent piece. Like the cute pig tank, when used in this fashion, it looks a little park-ish.
And I don't mean the kind of park where we go to play.
I'm thinking Laney could be a regular on "My Name is Earl."


Anonymous said...

I can't wait until she goes to college and walks across campus enroute to class wearing MC Hammer/pajama pants, grecian sandals, a hooded sweatshirt and carrying a box of cereal (which she is also eating out of)!


Anonymous said...

Well, at least she is her own person - from whom does she get that characteristic??????????? Cindi