Tuesday, April 28, 2009

More Make-ups...

Ok, I think it might make more sense if I pick up in March and work forward...

Day 70:
1. personalized notecards
2. looking forward to a trip
3. FINALLY finding a stylist who understands my crazy fro
4. 1.5-2 hours of me time
5. the day before a hair appointment

Day 71:
1. leaving the salon with hair that can go public
2. not having to wear my hair in a knot on top of my head
3. hair glaze :-)
4. chatting with Alexa because she makes me laugh
5. catching up on my magazine reading while sitting under the dryer

Day 72:
1. push-ups
2. the weird ice cream things from Billy's with a gumball in the bottom of the cone
3. ice cream sandwiches
4. Snickers ice cream bars
5. fudgesicles when I'm on a diet

Day 73:
1. walking around Charleston at night
2. finding not one but THREE pairs of boots on sale
3. having so many shopping bags I can't carry them all
4. having time to try on clothes I like
5. dessert at midnight with Jenn & Julie

Day 74:
1. more shopping
2. spending time with my family
4. making the drive home seem shorter by taking a nap
5. walking back in the door, greeted by three little people who love me

Day 75:
1. dinner with old friends who know how weird I am and still like me
2. Sam's fountain o' pee at dinner. Mortifying yet hilarious. Definitely blackmail material.
3. realizing that K left the kids in their pjs all weekend and not really caring
4. scrubbing the kids down with everything short of AJAX after a weekend in their dad's care
5. catching up on gossip/what's happening/stories

Day 76:
1. finally finding storage for Laney's room
2. taking out bags of toys
3. finally not having toys overflowing everywhere
4. getting to the bottom of a toy bin on Cleaning Day
5. having some semblance of order

Day 77:
1. Mission Friends
2. having a library card
3. the smell of the library
4. taking my kids to the library
5. checking out stacks of books. Makes me feel productive.

Day 78:
1. Sam's penchant for being naked
2. Laney's crazy hair designs. 4 pigtails = HOT in her world.
3. Ethan's affection for patterns
4. sitting on the couch, surrounded by my kids, being loved
5. holding hands with Laney and Ethan (Sam's not a fan yet...)

Day 79:
1. flower gardens
2. vegetable gardens
3. not having to water flowers
4. not having to pick green beans in the heat of summer
5. working with Hazel in her garden when I was growing up

Day 80:
1. early morning VBS
2. Red Rover, Red Rover
3. dodge ball
4. painting ceramic figures in VBS crafts
5. 3 words: puffy paint tshirts. They rocked back in the 80s...

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