Friday, April 24, 2009


I am a little embarrassed.

I have completely fallen off the blogging wagon... as well as the Facebook wagon, the friend wagon, and pretty much every other wagon.

I mean, I don't even know where the time has gone. The past month and a half has been the single busiest period of my life. Last thing I remember, I was blogging about Lindsey's birthday. Next thing I know, it's April 24.


I'm going to make up my time and my daily "Things To Be Thankful For" posts.

Just not all at once.

I'll start with yesterday and today:

Day 113:
1. It's Ethan's birthday.
2. Ethan was born on Shakespeare's birthdate. As an English teacher, this makes me ridiculously happy. No one else, apparently, thinks this is impressive, but the importance is not lost on me.
3. Birthday candles. They make everything festive.
4. Lunch with Ethan's class. I could never be an elementary school teacher because the kids have no sense of personal space, BUT his class is just precious! I'd like them for at least an entire day.
5. Dinner for breakfast. One of E's favorites.

Day 114:
1. Getting my car back after a week of driving rentals/borrowed ones.
2. Skin's dogs for lunch.
3. Really good slaw. Gah. Could eat my weight in it!
4. Being able to blog after a 6 week stress-imposed hiatus. Makes me feel like I've accomplished something.
5. Express mail. Otherwise, none of Ethan's party stuff would've gotten here in time...

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