Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I'm getting a little miffed...

I've been playing with Flickr -- an online picture service -- all day, and I can't get the cursed thing to work!

Last week, we buried my Pop, who is one of my all-time Hall of Fame heroes. I've never lost anyone that close to me, and it was truly devastating. To make a long story short, after the funeral the entire family, including my two grandmothers, decided to go fishing at my uncle's pond.

A bit odd, I know, but this is why my family totally rocks.

It was a completely perfect afternoon, and I wanted to share pictures on my blog because some of you know my family and because I think it's a perfect tribute to my Pop... He loved few things more than having us all together.

Plus, there's one picture of my Grandma Pearle where she looks like Maxine (of Hallmark fame) AND she's talking to my Grandma Hazel, who happens to be wearing an Atlanta Braves visor -- which makes me laugh. Not to mention there's a hilarious picture of Ethan with his fishing pole over his shoulder, looking a little Opie Taylor-ish, and another of his fear-stricken face when my dad took him out in the canoe after almost capsizing them.

The pictures -- compliments of my fab cuz-o Julie -- are priceless....

But I can't get the flipping things to upload! Anyone know how to use this thing?

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