Sunday, March 01, 2009

Days 59 & 60

For the record, I didn't publish that last post until Friday. It was originally "A Week's Worth... Plus 1 Day," but when I didn't finish it on Thursday, I had to change the title. I'm not cheating, I promise.

1. unexpectedly running into old friends.
2. finally being able to wear that really cute dress I bought.
3. finding a purple shirt to wear with my orange & purple scarf.
4. my orange and purple scarf. Whoever designed it knew that I have a hard time finding clothes for Clemson games.
5. scarves on clearance... which means I can buy 47 scarves for the price of 1. Doesn't make me feel guilty.

Day 60:
1. SNOW DAYS!!!! I really don't like the idea of having to go a day when it's warm to make up the time... but snow days, minus that, rock!
2. huge, ginormous snow flakes.
3. making snow cream. I have no clue how to make it, really, but we used to make it with Hazel when I was little.
4. the 12'2" snowman that Aaron L. made for us (being Jay, Julie, Jenn, and me) when we were little. It was beyond huge. We have a Polaroid of it somewhere.
5. my red snowsuit. I loved that thing; begged to wear it even when it wasn't snowing. (Mary refused that request every time.) It was a one-piece snowsuit with white furry stuff around the hood. I could make snow angels all day and never get snow in my pants.

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