Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Day Sixty-Whatever: An Ode to Princess Lindsey

Today is Lindsey's 16th birthday! That makes me feel very old because I was 16 when she was born. Anyway, Lindsey was the first grandchild born in the next generation in my family... and I had been the youngest for 16 years... so I didn't much like that I lost my "spot" when she was born... but I loved her anyway... for which I know she is so grateful. :-)

After I got over the fact that I was no longer the baby and learned to like small kids, I decided that Lindsey was, in fact, a lot of fun because I could teach her all sorts of bad habits. She was a funny kid, and very smart, so we bonded.

All these years later, we are probably closer than we've ever been. Lindsey and I have a lot in common, like our uncommonly translucent skin and our royalty complexes, and she makes me laugh. She has turned into an amazing young woman despite the fact that I probably scarred her severely by tormenting her while she was growing up.

Because I love her so much (and she reminds me to update my blog when I forget), I am making today's blog all about her. Happy Birthday, Iz! :-)

1. The time Lindsey came to stay with us in Knoxville, and I lost my keys in Target. Zelda the Fierce and my cell were in the car; Lindsey was at my house -- which was in a strange city... which freaked her out. I know she didn't think it was funny, and it wasn't at the time... but thinking about it now makes me laugh because she called my mom -- three states away -- for help.

Like Mary could find her way to Knox-Vegas by herself.

2. Lindsey's love of reading. I'm an English nerd, and I love that we can discuss books. We don't always agree -- she hated Twilight, and I loved it -- but it's always a good time.

3. Having the best-ever baby-sitter built into my family. My kids L.O.V.E. her, and I love her, too. She's like the SuperGirl of baby-sitters.

4. Lindsey's funny quirks. I love a quirky teenager -- shows that they can think for themselves. Lindsey can definitely do that -- just ask her. She has an opinion on everything...

5. Lindsey. In general, she makes me happy, and I love her. The end.


Anonymous said...

I agree! Lindsey is the bomb! I think being the first baby in our group--she broke us all in! Do you think that she'll ever recover from it? ha ha

Anonymous said...

The authoritative message :), funny...