Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Where Am I Finding All This Time to Blog?

Oh -- that's right! I've totally neglected cleaning my house or doing any laundry. K will be patient with this until probably this afternoon... so less than 1 week into summer vacation, he's going to start asking me what I did today. :-) You should see his face when I smile blissfully and say, "Nothing." :-)

Day 95:
1. Laney almost always says, "Mommy, I love you, too." when she's declaring her love for me. What makes me happy about this is that usually, this is the first line of the conversation. Example: I am sitting here, playing on the computer, when she walks up out of nowhere, hugs my leg, and says, "I love you, too, Mommy." I didn't tell her first, but she always pretends I did because it is Laney's world and we just live in it.
2. The park we love has new bathrooms that don't make me fear that lurkers are going to run off with my children.
3. Going to the farm market down the road and getting the good grits.
4. Finding three maxi dresses that I love AND that fit me the right way.
5. Smelling fresh peaches always reminds me of eating frozen peaches at Hazel's growing up.

Day 96:
1. Sam loves swinging.
2. Laying down for a nap with Laney and realizing that she is not always a ferocious beast.
3. Spending an entire day in my swimsuit without fixing my hair or putting on makeup because my pool peeps don't care.
4. Laney's independent streak. It makes me laugh every time she sets somebody straight with her version of the truth.
5. Laney's ability to say the one thing that will make Ethan flip out. For example, when we got in the MV last week to go somewhere, Ethan said, "I got in first, Laney." Without batting an eye, she said, "No, I did." which sent Ethan's OCD-must-follow-the-rules-and-report-exactly-as-things-happen personality into spontaneous combustion mode. He starts flipping out because he knows she didn't get in the car first but she refuses to back down. I'm sitting in the driver's seat, laughing. This must've been what life was like for my mom.

Day 97:
1. Cherry pie.
2. Winning the sauce award at The Camerons' cookout.
3. Summer reading contests.
4. Watching summer storms from the back porch.
5. Laney's first friend sleeping over (outside of relatives, that is...)

Day 98:
1. A den with warm lamp light.
2. Our sorta-scary leopard blanket.
3. Not having to do too much cleaning before the cleaning lady comes over.
4. Snuffles from the dogs.
5. Finding "the spot" on each dog that makes the back leg thump.

Day 99:
1. laughing so hard I snort.
2. the middle part of pancakes where the butter and syrup have saturated the dough.
3. Napolean Dynamite. Freakin' hilarious.
4. Watching Keith do the laundry while I play on Facebook and concoct the blog.
5. Freshly starched clothes.

Day 100:
1. Waking up to summer light outside the window.
2. Sitting in the rocking chairs on the back porch with K.
3. Sam's I-only-love-my-mommy stage. He's going through it right now, and while it can be exhausting at times, it is also sooooo endearing. I love that kid. :-)
4. The fact that my basil plant hasn't joined its cilantro cousin in The Garden in the Sky.
5. The surprise peace lily (I think) that is growing randomly in a pot I thought was empty. If it is, indeed, a peace lily, then it is the one from my grandfather's funeral, which makes me happy x 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.

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