Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Day 110... And maybe then some...

Ok, I'm way behind. Just looked on the calendar, and I should be on Day 202. I am on Day 110.

Holy cow.

Day 110:
1. Laney's flower lamp
2. Sleeping in my childhood bed. So dang comfortable.
3. The kids' building blocks that are a modern version of the cardboard blocks I used to play with in the nursery when I was little.
4. The stage/boat that was in the nursery when I was little. On one side, it was a platform with steps on either side. Turn it over, and it became a boat. Awesome.
5. The rows and rows of nail polish in every color of the rainbow at beauty supply places.

Day 111:
1. Finding out that the hair gods have not discontinued my favorite hair product.
2. Sam falling asleep in my arms.
3. Kissing my sleeping kids on their foreheads.
4. Sleeping stretched out across the bed.
5. My plastic- excuse me, acrylic - champagne glasses. Bought after New Year's our first year married for .25 per glass. Glitter in the stems; gold stars on the glasses. Make me happy every time I see them in the cabinet. I love festiveness. :-)
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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