Monday, July 20, 2009

Days 101-105

Ok, I'm over the pretty little blue symbol for today, so I'm just going to get back into the Days of Grace listing and try to shush the OCD voice in my head that is whispering, "But you put the seal on the other posts. This one isn't going to match..."

Day 101:
1. good running socks
2. Sam having teeth!
3. Laney's VBS picture that, ironically, shows what a devil she is...
4. Laney and Ethan asking repeatedly since yesterday if we can start packing for the beach
5. Ethan asking for a flea collar. Apparently, he's been seeing flea collar commercials on TV and doesn't want to get them. :-) Shows what kind of faith he has in my housecleaning ability...

Day 102:
1. Ethan also wants to get those closet organizing hangers because (and I quote) my closet "is a big mess. We need to clean it up." Yeah, ok, kid. How about you start with your room before you start making a To Do list for me?!
2. Laney's random obsession with lines from TV shows. For two weeks, she called K and me "Mr. Noodle" -- as in Mr. Noodle from "Elmo's World." Her current obsession is "Ferb, I know what we're going to do today!" from our favorite cartoon, "Phineas and Ferb." Drives Ethan beserk.
3. Speaking of "Phineas and Ferb" -- Laney and Ethan named their skim boards "Phineas" and "Ferb." I had to write the names in silver paint pen on the skim boards so no one would call them by the wrong names.
Give you two guesses whose OCD idea that was...
4. Ethan swimming like a fish! After two weeks of swimming lesson hell last summer, I'm glad he's finally gotten over his bizarre love-hate relationship with the water...
5. people watching at the beach. I swear -- there is NOTHING like it. I think they hire people to come down and entertain me when I'm there. No way those freaks are real.

Day 103:
1. days at the beach where all I really have to do is read, eat, and make sure I remember to keep sunscreen on...
2. finally being able to go to the beach and not come back looking like a lobster...
3. the waiter's concerned face at the crab leg buffet when he realizes I've been eating crab legs for two hours straight...
4. beating my old record of 46 with an impressive score of 50 crab legs...
5. Sam's fascination with throwing things out of his pack-n-play

Day 104:
1. Sam's love of biting K. He acts like he's going in for a snuggle and then strikes like a viper. So sweet and chubby that you never expect it... :-)
2. zerberting my kids' bellies...
3. introducing my kids to new things. Took them to the fish hatchery (odd, I know), and they were just amazed. Laney did almost get mobbed by some angry fish... kept trying to feed them one pellet at a time. They don't really appreciate the frugal approach...
4. watching my mom lug her ginormous mustard-yellow purse on a hike. Not sure if she thought there would be a place to shop at the top of the trail or what...
5. Ethan and Laney wearing my tshirts to sleep in. I used to do the same with my dad's, but it just makes me laugh to see which ones they choose.

Day 105:
1. looking forward to the future...
2. witty people...
3. looking for recipes...
4. cooking with my kids. Reminds me of cooking with Hazel and Pearle when I was growing up... always makes me smile... unlike memories of cleaning house with my mom... my kids will probably never have memories of that, considering my status as a non-housecleaning kind of woman...
5. God is good. :-)

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