Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Day 112 & 113

Really digging this mobile blogging thing. Laying on the couch, watching a movie, blogging away. Fabulous!!

Day 112:
1. My Holiday Barbie collection.
2. Finding out that there's a new Wonder Woman ornament coming out.
3. My NY Yankees ball cap.
4. My crazy striped hat and matching scarf.
5. Early morning on the beach. If only I didn't have to get up early to see it...

Day 113:
1. A good mystery.
2. When a book that I thought would be just ok turns out to be fabulous.
3. Training K to put the toilet paper roll on the right way.
4. Remembering that I have a new (and magnificent) purse stashed away in the closet.
5. A break of cooler, unseasonable weather in the midst of the freakin' hot summer.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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