Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Day 35?


Why can't the days of one month just continue on where the last one left off... Feb. 32, Feb. 33... Numbers are not my forte, and the days of numerical title abandonment seem to be looming just over the horizon...

For today, however, I will pretend that it is Day 35, even though I am not sure that is the next post number.

1. realizing mid-run that it doesn't hurt anymore. That is why I run; after the initial pain, it is just an amazing high.
2. taking off teeth-whitening strips. I hate those suckers, but I drink 74.2 Diet Cokes per day, so I decided to start the whitening process this morning. It stinks, BUT the highlight is that eventually, I get to take them off. :-)
3. K wearing his slipper sox to the store. Jay & Nikki gave K these horrendous slipper sox for Christmas a few years back, and he wears them religiously in the cold weather. Now, I am currently sitting here, swaddled in my robe, but at least my robe is pretty. The slipper sox are my least favorite item of clothing he owns -- besides the mock turtlenecks... but those are another story by themselves. Anyway, K has no qualms about wearing his slipper sox to the store for late night runs. Once they are on, they don't come off... apparently. "This is how I roll," he says. I say, "If you roll like that, maybe you should just stay home."
4. Ethan's "Who Let the Letters Out?" song. Yes, that's right. He sings the entire alphabet as well as the sounds they make to the tune of "Who Let the Dogs Out?" Who says 5K doesn't rock?!? Laney and I have a dance party every time he breaks it down...
5. getting rid of the mountain o' mail that usually adorns our kitchen counter. It takes a certain mood and some quality time with the shredder, but it is just lovely to have open, uncluttered counters.

1 comment:

Jay and Nikki said...

Wow...I can't believe the slipper socks are still around! You know they received rave remarks on LL Beans website. We recently ordered Jay some more bedroom slippers and the slipper socks are an all-time favorite!!!