Friday, February 06, 2009

Days 36 & 37 of 365

The past two weeks have been uncharacteristically hectic, and nothing proves that more than the fact that I am happily sitting at home in my bathrobe -- my lovely, trusty bathrobe -- blogging away on a Friday night. I used to think Friday nights were for social, fun events, but that was before 3 kids and one alarmingly twilight-zoned husband zapped all my energy like my childhood neighbor's bug zapper used to zap all kinds of creepy itty bitty varmints.

Day 36:
1. margaritas the size of my head.
2. getting text messages when I'm bored.
3. color coordination.
4. driving a stick shift.
5. rollerskating in Pat & Jimmy's basement to "Jack & Diane."

Day 37:
1. multi-syllable words that are fun to say... like "tumultuous" and "brouhaha."
2. a warm day to end a cold spell.
3. finding a package on the front porch that I wasn't expecting.
4. going to the zoo.
5. getting chapstick for Christmas when I was little. Yeah, I ate it... but it was good, and it didn't kill me.

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