Tuesday, February 03, 2009


31, 32, & 33.

Waaaayyyy behind. I know.

Day 31:
1. The satisfaction of finishing a good book.
2. The anticipation of looking for a new book.
3. Unlimited time to browse in the bookstore.
4. Sitting on the floor in the "Travel" section of the bookstore, browsing and dreaming... K & I used to do this when we were dating. Once, when he thought we might possibly be moving to Montana for his job, we were disturbed to learn that there are more wild, ferocious animals per square mile than humans in Montana. You can't imagine the sigh of relief that followed the news that we weren't going.
5. Imagining what the cover of my Great American Novel is going to look like. :-)

Day 32:
1. Days my mom makes lunch or dinner for us. I love to cook, but dang! A day off here and there is niiiiiccccceeee!
2. My mom having a Facebook page! I still can't believe it -- and I'm not 100% sure that she knows how to check it, but still! It's very impressive for a woman who isn't quite sure how to open email attachments!
3. Spending time with my brother & sister-in-law. I know they breathe a sigh of relief when we leave with our mass menagerie of kids... :-)
4. Super Bowl grub. I love a good excuse to eat!
5. Valentine's Little Debbie Cakes. I know they have 4.2 million calories per bite, but I don't care. I could eat the whole box.

Day 33:
1. Photographic trips down Memory Lane. I might poke Mark in the eye for posting those pics of me, but what a laugh!!!
2. The idea that I might've had a mullet. I'm hoping I didn't, but the idea of it just makes me laugh my head off! I hope that one is exempt from "Fashion Disaster" status while your parents are responsible for dressing you. :-)
3. Anticipating snow... even if it's just a little. Just the sight of a few flakes immediately turns me into an awe-struck five year old! I don't care about accumulation; it's just the magic of it all!
4. Getting a run in after a few weeks off.
5. Trying a new recipe and having it turn out fab-u-lous. This is a tough house to cook for, but Herb-Mustard Pork Chops were a hit!

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