Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Days 48 & 49

Day 48:
I found a bunch of my coaching stuff... made me reminisce a little...
1. my coaching tshirts. K hates them, says they're atrocious. My favorite is the one the proclaims as THE QUEEN in large, cheap block letters across the back.
2. blowing a whistle. I forgot to use it half the time, but it made me feel kind of official.
3. watching my girls after a win -- and knowing how hard they worked for it.
4. bus rides to games -- except for the season that I was pregnant with Laney. Those made me sick.
5. the thrill of coaching. I miss it so much -- but I know that I'd be crazy to get back into it right now with three kids. Still... coaching volleyball gave me killer arm muscles... nothing like hitting 763 balls per practice to make you look like you trained Mr. T....

Day 49:
1. When America has sense. We may not be able to manage money worth a crap, but at least we had the sense to vote Tatiana off of American Idol. I was worried after the whole Sanjaya incident...
2. The red ju-ju hearts that come out at Valentine's. Yum! Could eat the whole bag.
3. Girl Scout cookies. Specifically Peanut Butter Patties, Caramel Delights, and Shortbreads. You can keep your Thin Mints. They make me want to throw up.
4. Sam in his "Ladies Man" tshirt. I bought it for him to wear to school for Valentine's Day, but he was home sick. It isn't specifically Valentine's wear, though, so he wore it today. He cracked himself up... which cracked me up.
5. Friends in The Know. It amazes me that I have friends who can help with just about any problem... and that are willing to share their knowledge/contacts/resources.

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