Saturday, February 14, 2009

Day Something That I Can't Remember Because I Forgot To Look...

1. Corn-on-the-cob. Preferably fresh and grilled, but I'll take it any way you make it. Butter. A little salt. Pepper. Ideally, it'd be on the same plate with some kind of grilled or boiled shrimp, sliced fresh tomatoes sprinkled with salt and pepper, and homemade cheese grits...and some sweet cantaloupe, if it's available. But, again-- I'll take it any way you make it.
2. A pretty pedicure... which reminds me... I need one. :-P
3. Teaching my kids things that my parents and grandparents taught me. Tonight, Ethan, Laney, and I made dinner. Homemade pizza and brownies. Not the most nutritious, I know, but they love helping in the kitchen... mixing up stuff, setting the table, etc. I don't know if they'll remember these kinds of things or not, but I still remember standing in a chair in our kitchen, helping my mom bake cookies... or in Hazel's kitchen, measuring out ingredients (but OH MY GOSH -- how I hated setting the table at her house! Was so glad when Lindsey got old enough to take over that duty!)... or in Pearle's kitchen, making macaroni & cheese. Provided they don't keel over from salmonella poisoning because I let them lick the brownie batter bowl, I hope they'll share the same kind of stuff with their kids...
4. Mac's cheeseburgers and milkshakes... although I've learned the hard way that Mac & his helpers don't like making milkshakes and will sometimes refuse if they don't feel like it. This frustrates me to no end, but what can you do? I just always hope I catch them in the milkshake-making mood...
5. making homemade Valentines with the older kids... even if they do fight like Tom & Jerry. Their cards are so funny and original and priceless. I can't say this will be a new tradition, as it sort of made me feel like drop-kicking them both in the teeth, but it was sooo worth it to see their pride in their creations.

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