Saturday, January 10, 2009


I knew I'd flub it up.


I'm please that I posted 8 days in a row, but by the time I remembered last night, it was after midnight... which technically counts as a Saturday post. Pbbbbllllllllttttttt.

I'm not giving up, though, because I am determined to make it through all year... so I'll just post two separate lists of 5 today.

Friday's List:
1. Laney's Flying Monkey hat
2. Ethan in his old man pajamas
3. Sam's crazy hair mohawk
4. Jennifer's imitation of my dog Zelda. This probably isn't funny to anyone else, but if you could just see her do it.. So funny! Make me laugh until I cry every time!
5. Boudreaux the Miracle Gift dog. Came to us house-broken and kid-friendly. Has terrible gas and a really gross tendency to vomit foam because he eats too much too fast... but he is such a gentle, sweet beast. Even though he smells.

Saturday's List:
1. my students. Sometimes, they make me want to say bad words, but y'all... I love them. A lot. I hate getting up early, and I hate grading papers, and I hate when they are surly and nasty and mean... but I love them like nobody's business. I'd love to stay home with my flesh-and-blood kids, but I just can't seem to give up my school kids.
2. early dismissal days. I mean, I do love my students, but I also love a little free time...
3. my ELMO. After 74 years of using a prehistoric overhead, my ELMO is amazing. Plus, I love how everybody feels the irresistible need to stick his/her hand under the light to see if it really will show up looking like their hand on the screen. Makes me laugh every time.
4. making a dent in my mountain o' papers to grade.
5. getting my grades exported on time. :-)

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