Monday, January 12, 2009

Day... 12?

I think that, eventually (like, this week), I am going to blow the count on the days... bear with me.

1. Law & Order marathons. Lucky for me, they come on practically every other day.
2. James Bond movie marathons. I always notice something new... like last night. There were two belly-dancing women who got into a catfight. I must've fallen asleep during that part of the movie every time.
3. my white robe. Heck, any of my robes, really. I have two heavier ones -- the white one being my favorite -- and a summer weight robe. K was really glad when I started back to school because he didn't have to look at me wearing them all. the. time.
4. my stiletto collection. I L.O.V.E. shoes, specifically eye-catching shoes with eye-catching heel heights. Yes, I sometimes wobble and toddle like I just learned how to walk... and more than once, I've caught a heel in a crack or a hole and busted my face in public, but dang... not much makes me happier than finding a beautiful pair of shoes in my size that perfectly complements my wardrobe... or one item in my wardrobe... or one item I might one day buy for my wardrobe.
5. holding hands... with K or the kids or my grandma or whoever. While I have serious personal space issues (as in, don't invade it or I will freak), I do so love holding hands. It's almost therapeutic.

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