Monday, January 26, 2009

Day 26

1. filling our flowerbeds and planters in the spring.
2. Girls Night Out.
3. riding horses. I hardly ever get to ride, but it's still a rush for me. One day, I'll have a horse. Of course, I'll also have to have a stable boy because I'm not much on cleaning out stalls...
4. getting a surprise package or card or letter. It just makes my day sooooo much better!
5. freshly sharpened pencils with really, really sharp points. The kind that you aren't supposed to throw because they could put your eye out. I especially like a bunch of them together. I'm not really sure why -- just makes me feel like I'm about to embark on some really big, important task that requires a lot of sharp pencils.

So, this Days of Grace thing... I really like blogging about it, and it does me a world of good to sit and think about the positive things in my life when I am usually so sarcastic. Apparently, though, I'm getting more out of it than warm fuzzies. I posted yesterday that finding money in my pockets is one of the things that brightens my life. This morning, I found $11 in the pocket of one of my winter coats. $11.50, to be exact. Woo-hoo! I mean, I didn't hit the lottery or anything, but that's $11.50 that I didn't have yesterday. I was sending the jacket with K to the dry-cleaners, and it might even pay for the dry-cleaning... or K's lunch... either is an option since I gave him the $10 and kept the $1.50 for myself. Generous spirit, I know. I kinda like being his Sugar Mama. :-)

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