Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 20 & 21

I know, I know. I'm slack this week... Sorry! :-)

Day 20:
1. Pleasant surprises.
2. Peyton Manning. Peyton? Payton? Whatever. He makes me laugh.
3. Waking up early and not feeling like I need to sleep another 12 hours.
4. The incredible maturity with which my students handled watching the inauguration. They make me so proud!
5. Being loved. :-)

Day 21:
1. Seeing Sam's head raise up out of his bassinett. He reminds me of a little turtle when his little head (and I mean that literally since his head is probably 1/3 the size of Ethan's and Laney's) starts bobbing around as he takes in his surroundings.
2. Target. I lllooooovvvvvveeeee Target. It is one of my happy places.
3. My new Wonder Woman READ poster. I'm a superfly English nerd, and I know it. Don't care. It will be going up in my room behind my desk where no one can touch it. If I could enshrine it in a bulletproof, airless case, I would. It should be preserved for all future generations to enjoy.
4. Old people who are still in love. My grandparents were still crazy in love after 60+ years of marriage, and it was the sweetest thing in the world to observe how my grandfather's face -- even when his dementia transported him to his own little world -- would just light up when my grandmother walked in the room.
5. K's little boy habits... like dunking his Oreos and eating Cookie Crisp and being beyond ridiculous to wake up in the mornings. I mean, most mornings, that whole ridiculousness of waking up routine makes me want to say curse words in 74 languages, but for the first minute, he really is cute.

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