Sunday, January 25, 2009

Days 22, 23, 24, & 25

Soooo.... I'm behind. Try to hide your shock and amazement.

Day 22

1. bookshelves overflowing with books. They're like aisles in a candy store for me. If only I had time to read them all...
2. finding THE perfect gift for someone. The excitement is almost unbearable... I've been known to call people and tell them because I can't wait. My mom, for example, doesn't mind. In fact, she used to know most things my dad bought for her because he'd tell me, and well... I wasn't so good at keeping a good secret...
3. Laney in a swimsuit. Girlfriend works that round belly and ghetto booty like nobody's business. And dares anyone to tell her any different.
4. Ethan's bat face. When he gets really tickled, he crinkles up his nose and shows his teeth when he laughs... and he looks like a baby bat. Makes me laugh.
5. pineapples. Symbolic of southern hospitality.

Day 23

1. Speaking of hospitality -- I love to entertain. Sometimes it's a little overwhelming when I'm preparing dinner for 25 or trying to plan a party, but I love nothing more than having a house full of the people I love.
2. cookbooks. I never understood how my mom could collect cookbooks until I began to truly love cooking. Now, I'm a cookbook freak. I also never thought I'd spend more time reading cookbooks than real books, but as it turns out, that happens, too.
3. matching scarves and gloves and hats. I don't get to wear them as much here because winter weather in SC can be a 60 degree day, but I love them regardless.
4. "Dirty Dancing" and its soundtrack. I remember that my friend Kelley's mom wouldn't let us watch the movie (we were in, like, 6th grade), but we watched it while she was out running errands. Ever since then, I've had a crazy affinity for Patrick Swayze's "She's Like the Wind." I know most people rank it up there as one of the worst songs ever, but it makes my heart skip a beat.
5. tiaras. I'd wear one every day if I could. I feel that maybe I was accidentally switched at birth and that my kingdom is waiting for me to return and be their ruler.

Day 24

1. new running shoes.
2. finding money in my pockets that I didn't realize was there.
3. hotels. I love hotels. Would live in one if I could.
4. long lunches with my girls from school. We once went out for breakfast and were still at the same restaurant come lunchtime. I think, given enough time and good food, we could solve the world's problems.
5. getting dressed up for dinner. I have come to appreciate what was once a frequent occurrence in my life: dinner at a good restaurant. Now that we have to find a sitter and make plans 20 months in advance, good dinners are few and far between, but I love sitting down to a meal at a table with a real tablecloth, a real place setting, and no plastic place mats adorned with Dora and Diego. Makes me feel like a grown-up.

Day 25

1. Sam falling asleep in my arms. Knowing that this is the last baby I'm going to have, I find myself marveling at the wonders of motherhood like it's my first time.
2. Laney's new haircut. I finally tired of battling the unruliness that is Laney's hair when long, and I had it cut into a bob. So cute on her, and she is so proud of her new 'do. It frames her precious little face, and I can barely keep from pinching her little cherubic cheeks.
3. Ethan's baby curls. Y'all, he was a 30-lb. monster baby at age 1, but his hair was beautiful. All kinds of soft curls around his little chubby face. Sigh.
5. My stand-mixer. It was a birthday gift from K, and I will say, it ranks right up there as one of my best gifts ever. Instead of buying it for me, he allowed me the bliss of being able to select it myself. As if I hadn't visited the stand-mixers in Williams-Sonoma at least once a week for years, I stood there for almost an hour, just admiring them in all of their shiny, lacquered glory. I mean, I already knew I was going to get the black one, but I considered the stainless (fingerprints), the red (might not go in every kitchen -- good thing since I changed kitchen decor that next year, and there's not a stitch of red anywhere in my kitchen now), the yellow (too 70s), and the white (would've blended into the wall at our old house; I wanted my stand-mixer to have presence!). After making enough of 3 types of cookies to serve 100+ people at K's work by using a hand-mixer while 7 months pregnant with Ethan, I felt that I deserved the stand-mixer, but still... pulling up to W-S's back door and letting them load it into my car was one of the most blissful moments of my life.

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