Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day 13 of 365

I think I've figured out the snafu. Before I put the date, I usually go about finding the "365 Days of Grace" seal... and therein lies the problem. Since it takes practically nothing to distract me, I forget what day it is before I get back to my blog to post the seal and day. SO. I'm going to get the seal first, and THEN open the new post window.


1. realizing that people do read my blog. I wondered if, when I started this 365 thing, people would be like, "Omg. We already have one Oprah! There isn't enough room for two!" but I've had several people let me know that they are still reading and like it. (Thanks, Lindsey & Laura!) And that makes me happy.
2. my children when they sleep. Not for the obvious reason that they are significantly less noisy when unconscious BUT instead because they are so peaceful and beautiful. It amazes me on a daily basis that those ginormous beings were once growing inside my belly. I don't really know how to explain it, but when I watch them sleeping so peacefully... when I can study the details of their little faces... it almost takes my breath away. For a woman who swore up and down for the first 24 years of her life that she didn't really want kids, it is beyond my realm of understanding how it is possible to love three creatures so much, so equally, so completely... but I do. They make me a better person every day that I share with them.
3. planning and organization. I L.O.V.E. a good plan. Why do I volunteer to do so much? Because I am addicted to planning. And listmaking. And organizing. It feeds the OCD monster in me.
4. a clean desk. Doesn't happen often, but when it does... man! It is beautiful! Sometimes, when it's clean, I just sit back at my computer and admire the beauty of my clean desk. *Sigh* I will add that it is not clean now, but I am anticipating cleanness shortly... like by the end of the week... and I can barely contain my excitement!
5. running pants. Specifically, my gray and black running pants that K bought me for Christmas last year. I would wear them every day, all day, if I could. With my robe. They are the most comfortable pieces of clothing I own, besides my robe(s) and my hand-dandy orange Clemson tshirts. PLUS -- they actually make my rear look like it exists instead of being just an extension of my back. :-)

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