Thursday, January 15, 2009

Day 15 of 365

Let me just say that today was an early release day for my students, so I've been slaving away over grades and whatnot for most of the day. I finally got my grades exported and started chipping away at my school TO DO list. I've got my iTunes pumping, and I felt like I was sort of being productive because I cleared off the surfaces on my computer desk.

As of this moment, though, I am being attacked by some atrocious fumes from the janitor's cleaning products. Our school is impressively clean, and I am super grateful for the awesome team that cleans our school, but this woman (not my regular janitor) is seriously about to run me out of my own room. Now, it's spotless in here, but I may pass out from hazardous chemical inhalation.


I just wanted to post that, along with my list for today, in case I don't make it home. If there's no post tomorrow, please send someone to look for me.

I'll be the unconscious body on the floor in "my" corner of my classroom, foaming at the mouth and convulsing from overdose of cleaning chemical fumes.


Now on to happy thoughts...

1. Friday Night Lights. I'm really not much of a TV watcher (seriously -- even though I keep posting about shows I watch. Grey's. FNL. American Idol. That's all. Well, except Heroes on occasion.), but once a show catches my attention, I am faithful. I love football. I love high school. I love The South. It makes sense that a show about a southern high school football team would be a favorite, but I seriously am semi-obsessed with the show in a way I am not about most. I watch it religiously. I talk about it with my fellow super-crazy-fans (well, at least with Teri. She's the only one.). I actually check the website for info and updates. I know. I'm a little embarrassed, but y'all. Coach Taylor is hot. And I want to be hot like Tammy when I'm older. And I love a hot football coach. Have I mentioned that I love Coach Taylor?
2. Unexpected free time with no kids. Yes, I could probably be productive but I'd rather wander aimlessly through Target.
3. The quote "Well-behaved women rarely make history." I don't know off the top of my head who said it -- I think I'm doing great to remember the quote, given my typical mental jumble. I don't know that I'll make history, but I like to think that I will... and I think this quote justifies me acting afool.
4. 3-ring binders. I've mentioned my affinity for organization... and this includes my school stuff. Seriously -- going into an office supply store makes my heart beat faster. I ask for school supplies as gifts on a regular basis, but I rarely get them because people think I'm kidding. I asked K for an electric pencil sharpener for Christmas, but he didn't get me one because he thought I was just trying to be practical. Negative. Just want a new electric pencil sharpener to replace the one my sub broke while I was out on maternity leave, and I never think to buy one. Anyway, 3-ring binders with the plastic sleeves on the outside covers -- they are third only to Flair pens and index cards in my book. I love them.
5. Billy Graham. He is one of my heroes -- probably #1 on my list of people I want to meet before I die. I'm probably one of the few people my age who have actually been to a Billy Graham crusade. It was amazing, by the way -- music by George Beverly Shea, a little preaching from Billy, a guest appearance by Franklin Graham. Rev. Graham's voice, his message delivery, his example as a man of God -- I am just amazed by all of it. I've actually considered driving to his home in NC, but you know, I don't want to scare the man. Maybe I'll take Hazel. People have a hard time turning her down.


Anonymous said...

Marilyn Monroe.

Amy said...

Laurel Thatcher Ulrich.

Jay and Nikki said...

Hey Amy, Billy Graham has joined Spartanburg First Baptist Church. Maybe you could catch him there on a Sunday and go for a nice after-church buffet lunch....or maybe the Beacon..or maybe Boots and Sonny's (growing up, Landon and I referred to it as "Poots and Runnies" for very good reasons).
I also meant to comment about reading your daily blogs. I also enjoy them and enjoy learning more about you. You're great and your kids make me smile and get me excited to be a mommy one day...whenever God decides for that to happen.